317 Learmonth Street, Buninyong,
Victoria, 3357, Australia

03 5374 2076

The Shared Table is borne from the marriage of Asian and Northern European food. The exciting possibilities offered by playful preparation, combinations and presentation of these dishes has been a source of immense joy and creativity and I look forward to sharing these with you.

I grew up on a Northern Victorian Dairy farm with my Dutch parents, and we grew our own veggies, bred and butchered our own animals and lived off the land. Fresh produce and seasonal cooking has been my constant, and I have spent many a day pickling, preserving, baking and kneading these ingredients in search of new flavours.

Because community is a strong part of my upbringing, community is a strong part of The Shared Table. Our trades, craftspeople, suppliers and friends and family have all played a big role in bringing our dream to life, and want them to continue being a part of the building, and for it to be a hub for the community and a place to break bread.

Our menu reflects eating what is fresh, available and at its best. We only cook what we need and reduce our footprint by minimising our waste through minimal choices. This gives us the ability to change our menu on a frequent basis and keeps the dining experience varied, interesting and surprising. Dine without decision.