Psychosocial hazards are a critical aspect of workplace safety and employee wellbeing that often go unnoticed. These hazards encompass the psychological and social factors within the work environment that can adversely affect an individual's mental and emotional health. They can manifest in various forms, including stress, harassment, bullying, burnout, and the general quality of the work atmosphere.

Chronic exposure to psychosocial hazards can lead to severe consequences, such as reduced job satisfaction, increased absenteeism, lowered productivity, and even long-term health issues. Under the model WHS laws, a person conducting a business or undertaking (PCBU) must manage the risk of psychosocial hazards in the workplace.

This may seem like an overwhelming responsibility but thankfully, there are several free resources available to help you manage your workplace and ensure all employees feel safe, respected and comfortable in their job. Below are links to more information and free resources. Refer up to the upcoming Industry Chat, everyone welcome.

Safe Work Australia 

Victorian Chamber of Commerce and Industry

Free Online Employer Health Check

Free OHS Essentials Program

If you require further assistance please contact Commerce Ballarat so that we can support you in meeting these obligations.