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David Tamanika Solicitors

21-27 Lydiard Street South, Ballarat Central,
Victoria, 3350, Australia

03 5331 7944


Ballarat’s First Call for Criminal Law Services

If you’re facing criminal charges, you need excellent representation. At David Tamanika Solicitor, our team works with you to aim for the best possible outcome. The legal system can be impossible to navigate if you’re operating solo. David Tamanika can guide you through this difficult area with utmost care and understanding. We only offer criminal law services, nothing else. This means we can apply our full focus to securing the most fitting result for your situation

Reliable Legal Services
At David Tamanika Solicitor, we offer honest and reliable legal services to help you navigate the criminal law system. We offer the same quality of services as a large company, with the attention to detail and personal care that only a boutique firm can provide.
David Tamanika only offers criminal law services, nothing else. This way, we can focus all our attention on securing the best outcome for you.

Putting Your Needs First
The team at David Tamanika Solicitor is highly trained with years of experience, so you can trust us to provide a comprehensive suite of quality legal services.

We understand that every case is different. That’s why we always take the time to understand your unique situation before deciding on the best course of action.

We take your needs into consideration at every step, from the first meeting to the final outcome.

Trusted and Experienced
David Tamanika Solicitor provides criminal law services for Ballarat and surrounding areas.

David Tamanika has been practising as a criminal defence lawyer in Ballarat for 10 years. He has strong connections with Melbourne’s barristers and leading professional service providers in Ballarat. This ensures he is able to assemble the best possible team to defend your individual needs.

David is highly experienced in County Court appeals, conducting bail applications, pleas and contested hearings in the Magistrates Court.